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Homelite 30cc Yard Broom II Gas Blower

The Yard Broom II from Homelite is an exceptionally powerful, lightweight, hand held blower. The 30cc PowerStrokeTM engine produces 170 mph air velocity with 375 cfm air volume, to deliver the force you need for most homeowner applications.
The lightweight, 9.7 lbs. frame, makes this unit easy to manage. With patented Down-the-Tube exhaust the Yard Broom II runs quieter (69 db) and cleaner.
Includes blower tubes, operators manual and 2-cycle Exact Mix. This unit is also Gutter Kit capable.

• Variable Speed Throttle.
• Cruise Control.
• Light Weight - 9.7 lbs.
• Includes 2 Cycle Engine Oil.